Out on a dike

Out on a dike phr. [mid 19-C] (US) going out in one's best clothes. [DIKED DOWN] I'm out as a dyke, occasionally out with a dyke. What I do when I'm out on a dike can become your business once I write about it here.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm a Poet

gURL.comI took the "If You Were a Poet..." quiz on gURL.com
I am...

Do you tell it like it is, even if "it" ain't pretty? Then Sapphire, (aka Ramona Lofton) may be your poetic predecessor. Sapphire is a jewel of a poet, but you won't find any precious language in her books. Read more...

Which poet are you?



  • At 12:20 pm, May 10, 2007, Blogger Julie R. Enszer said…

    Glad you enjoyed this exercise. Sapphire's book, Push, is one of those incredibly stunning novels. It's small and compact and you realize that you are nearing the end too soon and you don't want to finish it but you must. I really recommend it.


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